Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This is the website of Competition Clutch Benelux.

Our registered office is located at:
De Slof 6
5107 RJ Dongen
The Netherlands

Our postal address is:
De Slof 6
5107 RJ Dongen
The Netherlands

Our registration number at the Chamber of Commerce is 82090777.
Our VAT number is NL 862332485B01.

Our server will automatically recognise IP addresses each time someone visits our website.

When you visit our website we save the following information: Your e-mail address if you post messages/questions to the site;Your e-mail address if you send this to us;The domain name of other sites you visited to arrive at our website;All information related to the pages you visited on our site.

We use the information for the following:To improve the content of our website.To determine the number of visits to our website. The information is used internally only. We do not pass it on to other organisations for commercial purposes.

We use cookies on this site. (A cookie is a small file sent by an internet server and installed on the hard disk of your computer that keeps track of the internet sites you visit and contains information about your visit.) We use the cookies to improve the content of our site and determine the number of visitors we have had.

We do not maintain any partnerships or special relationships with third parties on the internet.

If we transfer or receive your data on our website, we always use the coding technologies that are recognised as being standard within the IT sector. We have implemented the required security measures to ensure that no information received on our site is lost, used illegally or changed.

How can you contact us in connection with our privacy policy?

If you wish to supply feedback on our privacy policy, you can send an e-mail to [email protected].

E-mail communication: if you or your company do not wish to receive electronic messages from our company, you can notify us of this by sending an e-mail to the above address.

Communication by regular post: if you provide us with your postal address via the web, you will only be sent the information you requested at the address you provided.

Communication by telephone: if you provide us with your telephone number via the web, we will only call you if this is necessary in connection with orders you have placed online.

Our company might use the consumer information we have gathered for new goals not yet foreseen in our privacy policy. If this is the case, we will contact you before we use your data for these new goals to inform you of the changes to our regulations regarding the protection of personal data and to give you the opportunity to refuse to give your consent.

We will grant visitors to our site access to all the information we hold on them on request. If you wish to be granted access to this information, please contact us using one of the above addresses.

We will give visitors to our site the opportunity to correct any data we hold on them that may be incorrect on request. If you wish to correct your personal data, please contact us using one of the addresses given above.

If you deem that our site does not comply with our privacy policy, please contact our company using the above address.